
Do you have a recipe for a real chocolate lover?

Bolas de nieve de chocolate

3 / 4 taza de margarina
Azúcar de 1 / 2 taza de
2 cucharaditas de vainilla
1 huevo batido
2 tazas de harina de
De sal 1 / 2 cucharadita de
1 taza de nueces picadas
1 (6 onzas) de chispas de chocolate paquete de
azúcar en polvo

Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F

Combine todos los ingredientes excepto el azúcar en polvo, mezcle bien. Forme en bolas de 1 pulgada. Coloque en bandeja de horno sin engrasar, 2 pulgadas de distancia. Hornee a 350 grados durante 15 a 20 minutos. Dejar enfriar un poco, entonces el rollo, en el azúcar en polvo. Deje enfriar y guardar en un recipiente hermético.

Pastel de chocolate caliente

1 taza de harina para todo uso
3 / 4 taza de azúcar
6 cucharadas de Hershey? S de cacao (dividido)
2 cucharaditas de polvo de hornear
De sal 1 / 4 cucharadita de
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
De leche 1 / 2 taza de
2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal
1 taza de azúcar morena
1-3/4 tazas de agua caliente
La crema batida o helado (opcional)

Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F

En un tazón mediano, combine la harina, el azúcar, 2 cucharadas de la
de cacao, polvo de hornear y la sal. Incorpore la leche, el aceite de
y la vainilla hasta que quede suave. Propagación en un 9 pulgadas sin engrasar molde para hornear cuadrado.

Combine el azúcar morena y el cacao restante; espolvoree sobre la masa. Vierta el agua caliente sobre todo, no se mueven. Hornee por 35 a 40 minutos. Sirva caliente. Cubra con crema batida o helado si se desea.

Torta de pastel de chocolate

Galletas Graham
1 grande instante pudín de vainilla paquete de
De 2-1/2 a 3 tazas de leche
8 oz paquete de Cool Whip

3 cucharadas de margarina, ablandada
6 cucharadas de cacao
2 cucharadas de aceite
2 cucharadas de miel Karo blanca
2 cucharaditas de vainilla
1-1/2 tazas de azúcar en polvo
3 cucharadas de leche

Engrasar una 9x13

Vierta la mitad de la mezcla sobre las galletas en el molde. Cubra con otra capa de galletas. Vierta la mezcla del pudín restante. Cubra con una capa más de galletas. Batir los ingredientes con una cuchara de complemento hasta que quede suave. Repartidas en la capa superior de galletas. Poner al descubierto en el refrigerador hasta que esté listo para servir, al menos ocho horas.

Barras de chocolate de harina de avena

La corteza ...
1 taza de avena sin cocer
1 / 2 taza de harina
1 / 2 taza de azúcar morena firmemente la luz
Compota de manzana 1 / 4 de taza
1 cucharada de margarina derretida
1 / 4 cucharadita de bicarbonato de soda

Llenado ...
2 / 3 taza de harina
1 / 2 cucharadita de polvo de hornear
De sal 1 / 4 cucharadita de
3 / 4 taza de azúcar blanca
Compota de manzana 1 / 4 de taza
1 huevo
1 clara de huevo
2 cucharadas de cacao en polvo sin azúcar
1 cucharada de margarina derretida
1 / 2 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
1 / suero de leche 4 de taza de baja

Formación de hielo ...
1 taza de azúcar en polvo
1 cucharada de cacao en polvo sin azúcar
1 cucharada de leche descremada
1 cucharadita de café instantáneo en polvo

Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F

Para preparar la corteza: En un tazón mediano, combine la avena, la harina 1 / 2 taza de azúcar morena, 1 / 4 de taza de compota de manzana, 1 cucharada de margarina, y bicarbonato de soda. Mezcle con un tenedor hasta que la mezcla se desmoronen. Prensa uniformemente en el fondo de 8 de molde cuadrado que ha sido rociado con aceite en aerosol antiadherente. Hornee a 350 grados durante 10 minutos.

Para preparar el relleno: En un tazón pequeño, combine 2 / 3 taza de harina, polvo de hornear y la sal. En un tazón grande, combine el azúcar blanco, 1 / 4 de taza de compota de manzana, huevo entero, clara de huevo, 2 cucharadas de cacao, 1 cucharada de margarina y la vainilla. Agregue la mezcla de harina a la mezcla de manzana alternativamente con mantequilla y revuelva hasta que estén bien mezclados. Repartidas en la corteza al horno. Hornee por 25 minutos o hasta que al insertar un palillo en el centro salga limpio. Deje enfriar completamente sobre una rejilla.

Para preparar la formación de hielo: En un tazón pequeño, mezcle el azúcar en polvo, 1 de cacao tablespon, leche descremada, y el polvo de café instantáneo hasta que quede suave. Uniformemente a lo largo bares. Dejar reposar hasta que cuaje. Cortar en 14 barras.

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Do you have a recipe for dog biscuits?

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I don´t have a biscuit cutter, is there something else I can use?

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Do you have a recipe for crockpot chicken?

Do you have a recipe for garlic chicken?

Do you have a recipe for a breakfast casserole?

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Do you have a recipe for brownies?

Do you have a recipe for a fun drink for kids?

Can you give me an easy casserole recipe?

Do you have a quick recipe for chicken and rice?

Do you have a good recipe for a slow cooker?

Do you have a recipe for apricot squares?

Do you have a recipe for corned beef & cabbage?

Do you have a simple recipe for baby food?

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Do you have a recipe for crockpot chili?

My kids love bananas, any snack suggestions?

Do you have a mexican casserole recipe?

Do you have an easy mix for a gift basket?

Do you have a recipe for white chili?

What is the best way to bake a ham?

Do you have a recipe for an appetizer with artichokes?

Do you have a recipe for a beverage I can include in a gift basket?

Do you have a recipe for crockpot jambalaya?

Do you have a recipe for low fat banana bread?

How do I make dessert in a crockpot?

How do I cook low fat dishes in my crockpot?

Do you have a recipe for bar cookies?

Do you have a recipe for a diabetic chocolate cake?

Do you have a recipe for London Broil?

Do you have a recipe for a breakfast casserole?

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Do you have a recipe for a low fat dip?

Do you have a recipe for a breakfast casserole?

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Do you have a recipe for bran muffins?

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Do you have any good potato recipes?

Do you have a recipe for teether cookies?

Do you have a recipe for a quick chicken dinner?

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Do you have a recipe for garlic rolls?

Do you have a recipe for beef barley soup?

Do you have a recipe for garlic shrimp?

Do you know of a natural nail strengthener?

How do I make apple muffins?

How do I make beef stew?

How do I make Chicken Cacciatore?

Do you have a recipe for blueberry coffee cake?

Do you have a recipe for butter cookies?

Do you have a recipe for low fat oatmeal cookies?

Do you have a recipe for graham squares?

Do you have a recipe for Five spice pork?

How do I make pan gravy?

Do you have a recipe for pizza?

Do you have a recipe for beef tenderloin?

Do you have a recipe for biscuit mix?

How do I make corn souffle?

How do I make risotto?

Do you have a tip for baby food?

Do you have a tip for baby food?

Do you have a recipe for spinach dip?

Do you have a good stir fry recipe?

Do you have an easy recipe for barbecued beef?

Do you have a recipe for buttermilk donuts?

Do you have a recipe for a fat free chocolate cake?

Do you have a recipe for a breakfast cobbler?

Do you have a recipe for an enchilada casserole?

Do you have a recipe for a macaroni casserole?

Do you have a recipe for apple muffins?

How do I make a homemade bird feeder?

Do you have a recipe for a low cost casserole?

Do you have a recipe for black bean salsa?

Do you have a recipe for an appetizer pizza?

Do you have a recipe for a facial toner?

How do I make breakfast puffs?

Do you have a recipe for a breakfast casserole?

Do you have a recipe for beef vegetable soup?

Do you have a recipe for eggs Au Gratin?

Do you have a recipe for southwest chowder?

Do you have a recipe for Irish Freckle bread?

Do you have a recipe for wild rice?

How do I make chicken bites?

How do I make artichoke spread?

Do you have a recipe for hair rinse?

Do you have a recipe for a milk bath?

Do you have a recipe for taco bites?

Do you have a recipe for crab spread ?

Do you have a good dessert using oatmeal?

Do you have a recipe for baked ziti?

Do you have a recipe for a dessert using cherries?

Is there and easy way to remove the grease from my oven?

Do you have a recipe for apple bread?

Do you have a recipe for carrot muffins?

Do you have a recipe for lemon bread?

Do you have a recipe for clay?

What´s an easy way to cook bacon?

Do you have a recipe for potato soup?

Do you have a recipe for lemon bars?

Do you have a recipe for stuffed green peppers?

How do I measure brown sugar?

How do you make popcorn balls?

Someone made me some bath you have the recipe?

Do you have a recipe for a hashed brown casserole?

Do you have a broccoli salad recipe?

Do you have a recipe for Quesadillas?

How do I make homemade ice cream?

Do you have a recipe for a cowboy skillet dinner?

Do you have a recipe for creamed potatoes?

Do you have a recipe for salmon?

Do you have a recipe for a potato casserole?

Do you have a recipe for banana waffles?

Do you have a recipe for oatmeal bites?

How do I make taquitos?

Do you have a recipe for broccoli soup?

Do you have a recipe for hand cream?

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