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Do you have a recipe for pierogies?


1-1/2 cups flour
1 egg plus 1 egg yolk
1/2 cup warm water

Mix all ingredients together to form dough. Work until dough is not sticky and lumps are gone. Let rest, covered for 10 minutes. Roll thin and cut with a glass or biscuit cutter. Prepare one or both of the fillings below.

Potato & Cheese filling...

5 medium potatoes
1 pound cheddar or farm cheese

Cook and mash potatoes with pepper, butter and milk. Mix with cheese.

Sauerkraut filling...
1 large can sauerkraut
2 onions, chopped fine
1 stick butter

Saute onions and sauerkraut in butter until lightly browned.

Place 1/2 tsp of filling in center of dough circle and fold dough over from the middle so edges meet up. Crimp edges by pinching together, if it won't stick wet with a drop of water. Place pierogies in boiling water for approximately 8 minutes. Can be fried in butter, or served with melted butter and onions.



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