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Do you have a recipe for Borscht?


1/3 cup onions, finely chopped
2 Tbsp butter
1 pound beets, julienned
1 (35 ounce) can tomatoes, drained
3 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1/2 to 1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 quart beef stock
4 cups cabbage, shredded
1 bay leaf
sour cream
cooked beef brisket

Saute onions in butter until soft. Add in the beets, tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and stock. Simmer; covered, for 1 hour. Add the cabbage, and bay leaf. Simmer; covered, for 1 hour. Remove the bay leaf. Serve with a dollop of sour cream in each bowl, and sliced beef brisket.



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